Welcome to CSG

Crop Systems Genetics Lab.

About our research

Systems biology provides a holistic view of the biological system.
Based on systems biology, we intend to improve agricultural traits or solutions
more effectively of crop, especially rice.


1. Efficient large-scale identification of desire traits related genes
2. Comparative analysis between rice and it's relatives for novel genes
3. Construct database or webtools to facilitate functional study

Agricultural traits

1. Functional characterization of
Root hair related genes
2. Generation of low CO2 emission rice variety
3. Plant-microbe interaction to improve environmental stress


1. Functional characterization of
Late-pollen expressed genes
2. Investigation of male-female interaction during fertilization
3. Implementation of new F1 hybrid rice breeding system


경기도 용인시 기흥구 덕영대로 1732
(서천동, 경희대학교국제캠퍼스)
국제경영대학관 113-2호 작물시스템유전학 실험실 17104

1732, Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 17104

+82 31 201 3479